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In what condition a being is in:

VAI Verbs

Mii o'ow akeyaa ji-aabajitooyan Ojibwemowin ge-ni-dazhindaman ezhi-ayaad awiya.
Verb Animate Intransitive (VAI) verbs describe a condition or action a Living Being is in the act of being or doing.

Examples: hungry, sick, happy...


VAI Preterit (+) (I had been hungry when...)
VAI Preterit (-) (I had not been hungry when..)
VAI Dubitative (+) (I must be hungry.)
VAI Dubitative (-) (I must not been hungry.)
VAI Preterit Dubitative (+) (I must be hungry.)
VAI Preterit Dubitative (-) (I must not been hungry.)


Direct Expression

You see that a person marker is added and they take different forms like Ni- and Nim- for Niin & Gi- and Gid- for Giin. It will depend on whether or not the Verb starts with a Vowel or a Consonant.


Nimbakade= I am hungry

Gibakade= You are hungry

Bakade= The living being is hungry


Nindaakoz= I am sick

Gidaakoz= You are sick

Aakozi= The living being is sick


Niminwendam= I am happy

Giminwendam= You are happy

Minwendam= The living being is happy


Indirect/Supportive Expression

You see that a person marker is added to the end of the verb.  1st person -yaan, 2nd person -yan, and the 3rd person -d.  You will notice with verbs ending with "m" it changes to an "n" with and added "-g" for the 3rd person. B-form are for contributing statements such as; When, If, That, So....


Bakadeyaan= When I am hungry

Bakadeyan= When you am hungry

Bakaded= When the living being is hungry


Aakoziyaan= When I am sick

Aakoziyan= When you are sick

Aakoziyan= When the living being is sick


Minwendamaan= When I am happy

Minwendaman= When you are happy

Minwendang= When the living being is happy


Action to Noun

You see there is Initial Vowel Change (IVC) and a Bform person marker is added to the verb. This type of verb use expresses the Noun version of a Verb.


Bekadeyaan= I am the one that is hungry 

Bekadeyan= you are the one that is hungry

Bekaded= the living being is the one that is hungry


Ayaakoziyaan= I am the one that is sick

Ayaakoziyan= you are the one that is sick

Ayaakoziyan= the living being is the one that is sick


Menwendamaan= I am the one that is happy

Menwendaman= you are one that is happy

Menwendang= the living being is the one that is happy



Ni ___

Nim ___

Nin ___

(N)ind ___






Gi ___

Gid ___








By default, Ojibwe Words are already in the 3rd Person
































 (IVC) ___B-form








 (IVC) ___an 

 (IVC) ___yan 







 (IVC) _(m)ng 

 (IVC) ___d 








I am...


Screen Shot 2020-07-30 at 2.12.45 PM.png

if, that, when I AM...


niin vai b pos.png

I am the one that is...


niin vai c pos.png
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