The Resource for Applied Anishinaabe Languages
VAI Negative A-Form
Expressing actions in statements. I am not hungry. I am not working. I am not happy.
Pattern: Gaawiin Ni+verb+siin = I am not hungry.
Words that end in a Vowel
I am not .
Gaawiin+Ni+Verb+siin. = Nimbakadesiin
I Ni+Verb+siin
You Gi+Verb+siin
S/he Verb+siin
4th Person Verb+sii+wan
We/Us (not you) Ni+Verb+siimin
We/Us (+you) Gi+Verb+siimin
You all Gi+Verb+siim
They Verb+sii+wag
Words that end in a Vowel
They are not .
Gaawiin+Verb+siiwag. = Gaawiin bakadesiiwag
Nimbakadesiin = I am not hungry.
Gibakadesiin = You are not hungry.
Bakadesiin = He/She is not hungry.
Bakadesiiwan = (4th person) is not hungry.
Nimbakadesiimin = We(ex) are not hungry.
Gibakadesiimin = We(in) are not hungry.
Gibakadesiim = You all are not hungry.
Bakadesiiwag = They are not hungry.
Words that end in a Consonant
You are not .
Gi+Verb+ziin. = Giminwendanziin
I Ni+Verb+ziin
You Gi+Verb+ziin
S/he Verb+ziin
4th Person Verb+ziiwan
We/Us (not you) Ni+Verb+ziimin
We/Us (+you) Gi+Verb+ziimin
You all Gi+Verb+ziim
They Verb+ziiwag
Words that end in a Consonant
You are .
Gi +Verb. = Giminwendanziin
Niminwendanziin = I am not happy.
Giminwendanziin = You are not happy.
Minwendanziin = He/She is not happy.
Minwendanziiwan = He/She (4th person) is not happy.
Niminwendanziimin = We are not happy. (not you)
Giminwendanziimin = We are not happy. (you too)
Giminwendanziim = You all are not happy.
Minwendanziiwag = They are not happy.
VAI Negative B-Form
Expressing actions in statements. I am not hungry. I am not working. I am not happy.
Pattern: Gaawiin Ni+verb+siin = I am not hungry.
Words that end in a Vowel
When/if/that I am not .
Verb+siwaan. = Bakadesiwaan
I Verb+siwaan
You Verb+siwan
S/he Verb+sig
4th Person Verb+sinig
We/Us (not you) Verb+siwaang
We/Us (+you) Verb+siwang
You all Verb+siweg
They Verb+sigwaa
Words that end in a Vowel
When/if/that they are not .
Verb+sigwaa. = Bakadesigwaa
Bakadesiwaan = I am not hungry.
Bakadesiwan = You are not hungry.
Bakadesig = He/She is not hungry.
Bakadesinig = (4th person) is not hungry.
Bakadesiwaang = We(ex) are not hungry.
Bakadesiwang = We(in) are not hungry.
Bakadesiweg = You all are not hungry.
Bakadesigwaa = They are not hungry.
Words that end in a Consonant
When/if/that we(ex) are not .
Verb+ziwaang. = Minwendanziwaang.
You will notice that words that end in -m, the -m changes to an -n-.
I Verb+ziwaan
You Verb+ziwan
S/he Verb+zig
4th Person Verb+zinig
We/Us (not you) Verb+ziwaang
We/Us (+you) Verb+ziwang
You all Verb+ziweg
They Verb+zigwaa
Words that end in a Consonant
When/if/that you all are not .
Verb+ziweg. = Minwendanziweg.
You will notice that words that end in -m, the -m changes to an -n-.
Minwendanziwaan = I am not happy.
Minwendanziwan = You are not happy.
Minwendanzig = He/She is not happy.
Minwendanzinig = He/She (4th person) is not happy.
Minwendanziwaang = We are not happy. (not you)
Minwendanziwang = We are not happy. (you too)
Minwendanziweg = You all are not happy.
Minwendanzigwaa = They are not happy.