Ojibwe Language is a Polysynthetic language. BIg words, I know!! Basically it means that Ojibwe Language Words are actually full sentences. The word Bimibatoo means He/she is running about. Every part of an Ojibwe Word means something. Bimi-= going about and -batoo = running. You’ll hear Bimi- in Bimose=He/she walks. And -batoo in Azhebatoo=He/she runs backwards. Let’s try a few more.
Biijibatoo = He/She runs here.
(Bee Jih Buh Too)
Biijibizo = He/She drives here.
(Bee Jih Bih Zoh)
Gizhiibizo = He/She drives fast.
(Gih Zhee Biz Zoh)
Gizhiiyose = He/She walks fast.
(Gizh Zhee Yoh Say)
Nitaawose = He/She walks well.
(Nit Tah Woh Say)
Nitaawigwaaso = He/She sews well.
(Nit Tah Wih Gwah So)
Maajigwaaso = He/She starts sewing.
(Mah Jig Gwah So)
Maadanokii = He/She starts working.
(Mah Dun No Kee)
Nandawanokii = He/She looks for work.
(Nun Duh Wuh No Kee)
Nandawaabi = He/She looks for something.
(Nun Duh Wah Bih)
Minwaabi = He/She sees well.
(Min Wah Bih)
Minobimaadizi = He/She lives well.
(Min No Bih Mah Dih Zih)